GEOrient versions

Creates orientation plots based on stereographic data
Oct 24, 2020
Jun 2, 2008
Editorial review
May 23, 2008
Nov 1, 2008

What's new

v9.5 [Jan 8, 2011]
- Fixed bug introduced on 1/1/11 that was preventing .gpx files from being opened
- Changed variables to increase the no of data beyond 33766. (Now limited by memory)
- Added 3 more User Girdles to Girdle panel.
- Changed Preferences dialog to handle the new girdles and fixed bug that was not changing new girdle styles in the plots.
- Revised About.. and start-up flash screen text. Fixed bug in Save routine that was not allowing Cancels to be clean. - Revamped compiled HTML Help and made it the default within GEOrient.
- Enlarged orientation and information panels at the bottom of the screen to accommodate larger fonts;
- Added new font control boxes in the Preferences dialog to manually change the fonts in these panels.
- Fixed bug that caused crash when adding and pasting annotations to plots where annotations had previously been deleted
- Fixed cramping of statistics box against the plotted rose in some forms of rose diagrams;
- Fixed non-plotting of compass bearings if a simple axis setting was chosen in the Preferences.
- Modified wording of rose diagram statistics to indicate basis for confidence calculation.
- Added routines to process more efficiently grouped rose diagram data where the sector frequency is embedded as appended numeric values. Included adding an extra option in the File Format dialog.
- Revised the calculation of the circular median and fixed a bug giving incorrect circular variances,skewness, and kurtosis for certain types of data (axial data and pre-binned data).
- Revised Advanced Stats to report the Circular StdDev in degrees (not radians)
- Fixed cramping in copyrite form; fixed cramped Raw values given in Classification module.
- Corrected bug in Number-of-data caption for classified plots; Fixed problem accessing Appended name combo in File Format dialog
- Fixed cramped opton buttions in Classification dialog and fixed bug causing Classifcation legends plotting incorrectly as %ages.

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